//this file is used to translate stuff used in javascript //homeHelpers var noitem = "No items here yet!"; var imageTrans = "Image"; var videoTrans = "Video"; var no = "No"; var flash = "Flash"; var fired = "Fired"; var johndoe = "John Doe"; var speakmind = "Speak your mind"; var sayit = "Say it!"; var said = "said"; var map = "Map"; var mapLabel = "Map"; //in case map has collisions var comments = "Comments"; var hereitwas = "Here it was!"; var commentrejected = "Comment was rejected by server!"; var commentnotreach = "Comment did not reach the server, try again!"; var confirmdeletecomment = "Are you sure you want to remove this comment?"; var callnotreach = "Call did not reach the server, try again!"; var copytext = "Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter"; var on = "On"; //magnific // Add it after jquery.magnific-popup.js and before first initialization code $.extend(true, $.magnificPopup.defaults, { tClose: "Close (Esc)", // Alt text on close button tLoading: "Loading...", // Text that is displayed during loading. Can contain %curr% and %total% keys gallery: { tPrev: "Previous (Left arrow key)", // Alt text on left arrow tNext: "Next (Right arrow key)", // Alt text on right arrow tCounter: "%curr% of %total%" // Markup for "1 of 7" counter }, image: { tError: 'The image could not be loaded.' // Error message when image could not be loaded }, ajax: { tError: 'The content could not be loaded.' // Error message when ajax request failed } }); //stalk values var lastmonthscycled = "In the last 12 months I have cycled"; var andrun = "and run"; var monthTrans = "Month"; var running = "Running"; var cycling = "Cycling"; var distancepermonth = "Distance per month (in Km)"; var monthsTrans = "Months"; var daysTrans = "days"; var hoursTrans = "hours"; var minutesTrans = "minutes"; var secondsTrans = "seconds"; var andTrans = "and"; var mycomputeris = "My computer is"; var beenawayfor = "I have been away from my computer for"; var off = "Off"; var isoverdue = "is overdue"; //stalk var iamat = "I am at"; var iam = "I am"; var standingaround = "standing around"; var walking = "walking"; var runningactivity = "running"; var biking = "biking"; var driving = "driving"; var airpreasure = "Air preasure"; var altitude = "Altitude"; var batterystatus = "Battery status"; var bikecadence = "Bike cadence"; var power = "Power"; var phonedisplayoff = "Phone display is off"; var phonedisplayon = "Phone display is on"; var footcadence = "Foot cadence"; var heading = "Heading"; var heartrate = "Heart rate"; var notonphone = "Not on the phone"; var onphone = "Currently on the phone"; var speed = "Speed"; var temperature = "Temperature"; var lastupdate = "Last update"; var secondsagonext = "Seconds ago. Next update in"; var todayText = "Today"; var yesterdayText = "Yesterday"; var shortmay = "May"; var shortoct = "Oct"; var lookwhereibeen = "Look where I have been earlier by pulling the slider"; var nodatatodisplay = "No Data to display"; var downloadoriginal = "Download original"; var admin_areyousurestream = "Are you sure you want to delete this blog:"; var admin_areyousuremedia = "Are you sure you want to delete this media:"; var copylink = "Copy direct link";